Saturday, August 28, 2010

#19 The famous one click fix !! (quadrant score 2254 :)

Just do it !!

The one click lagfix effect (booting) !!

The one click lagfix effect (quadrant results) !! 



  1. With lagfix all goes faster and internet browsing is amazingly fast! but since i installed lag fix every time i reboot my phone the galaxy S logo is not loading i just get the sound with a black screen...

  2. strange, i got an old version of the oclf and it works ok, try remove the fix and install the latest version and reply it.. check also on the xda forum for more hints, link is above in the post.

  3. lagfix worked after 4-5 times of installing in g5 on my older version worked just fine with first install. but anyway will just wait for 2.2 :)
